The Business of Design Modules

The Business of Design Module is a handy guide on how you will be able to jumpstart your creative business guided with our scheduled boot camps.

You can find vital topics ranging from testing your business idea then generating it into a thriving business.

How to Set Up a Design Business
Take time to think about your personal goals & strengths. How do you align them with your career in design? Know your brand story, learn how to set up your business, and find the best business model that matches your style. Your brand’s mission and vision give the people an idea of what your business does and what impact it wants to make.
Basic Accounting for Designers
Putting a price tag on your creative services works better when you have a good understanding of the financial needs of your business. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to estimate the costs of your project, appraise its monetary worth and even bill for the project.
Design Negotiation
Learn how to communicate with diverse types of clients—from writing emails and presenting your work, to negotiating your terms of service. Documents matter. For this module, you will be able to learn how to upgrade the basics like writing cover letters, flow charts of a client journey, design processes, and design packages. These are the basics in communicating your work.
How to Manage your Books
Creatives must understand the ins and outs of their finances as well as income or sales projections and figure out a sustainable way of running their own design businesses. Think about sales forecast. In this module, you’ll be able to build and justify your sales estimation for the next three years.
How to Prepare Contract Agreement
Learn how to build and manage a smooth working relationship with your client with a solid good contract. Protect your business with this module. A good contract agreement outlines the expectation for both parties
Promotions for Designers
Do your own PR like a pro! Understand how your clients and customers think and talk to them in their language. This module will unleash your creativity in creating your artist bio and project writeups.
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